As a person in recovery, I have often struggled with the word ‘transparency’. The question being: what part of my story and my personal exploits do I share with the world, and more importantly, my children? My second question– and this is specific to my children– when, and at what age do I share my…

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Gandhi famously said, “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history”. Additionally, there is a Jewish quote that has had a huge impact on me: “Even if a knife is pointed at your neck, do not give up hope”. I have met numerous…

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I started a new practice this week, and I’m curious about your feedback. I pray every day, and most of the time in my prayers, I ask God for sustenance, health, and wellbeing for my family. I pray for the pain and suffering to end; I pray for peace and prosperity. Additionally, when I’m sad,…

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When it comes to religious observance, dieting, sobriety, and exercise– at least in my life, I tend to go to extremes. I don’t have a middle ground, so I’m almost always either all in, or all out. However, I have found that in order for me to win the war– not just the battle– I…

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I have been noticing in my personal life that there are certain habits that are so obvious to me—whether they be physical habits like eating and exercise, spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer, or personal commitments to speak kindly and respectfully and not engage in gossip. While these are all areas I know I…

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