Thought of
the week.

THOUGHT OF THE WEEK – May 22, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

Every night before I go to bed, I make sure to say a prayer for all those who have hurt me or I feel have done me wrong. I make it a practice to offer forgiveness to these people, and I ask God not to punish anyone on my behalf,…

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THOUGHT OF THE WEEK – May 15, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

Radical uncertainty is something that I have been really struggling with during the past 8 weeks. A huge part of my uncertainty derives from me not knowing what the future will hold: When we will reopen the economy? And, even when we do, what will it look like? As my…

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By Asher Gottesman

How do you manage and cope when your personal integrity is challenged? Personally, in certain circumstances where I am either accused of lying or withholding information, or of not keeping to my commitments, I thoroughly struggle with not taking it personally. Ultimately, my goal is to see my part– to…

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Thought of the Week – May 1, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

Over the years, I have often wondered what transpires for us in the afterlife. What do we bring with us? What does the almighty truly care about and value? What accomplishments of ours are deemed most important? During this period of crisis, many people have had near-death experiences. I have…

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Thought of the Week – April 24, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

I have been racking my brain about what to write this week. Truthfully, I don’t want to write at all this week– the uncertainty and current conditions have made me especially grumpy. But, I want to show myself that even though I’m grumpy I can fulfill my commitments that I live…

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Thought of the Week – April 17, 2020

By Canspan BMG

I have been thinking lately about the times in my life when I’ve hit a bottom, when I felt compelled to reach out to a power greater than myself, and I decided to start making some life-long changes. Most people do not change unless they are truly forced too, and…

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Thought of the Week – April 3, 2020

By Canspan BMG

“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.” – Victor Frankl Frankl emerged from one of the most tragic events of humankind with this philosophy. His tragedy inspired…

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Thought of the Week – March 27, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

Carl Jung wrote, “The psychology of a large crowd inevitably sinks to the level of mob psychology.” As chaos ensues around us, I have been thinking about how to counter the harshness of it all. How to create a positive vibration from something that appears as the manifestation of doom…

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Thought of the Week – March 13, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

In my relationship with God, forgiveness is hugely important and easily achievable. I believe that God, as my father in heaven, forgives me for all of my sins. Not only that, but his forgiveness is immediate and certain. While this does not mean we are absolved of guilt, there is…

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Thought of the Week – January 31, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

It’s not often that someone makes it a habit to expose their insecurities and vulnerabilities on a regular basis. Yet, here I am. I’ve baked that into my life’s mission – to help others understand that they are not alone, especially in their darkest days. Still, I sometimes question if…

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