Thought of
the week.

Thought of the Week – January 24, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

How often do we violate the exact expectations that we hold for others? I assume more often than we’d like to admit. It’s very easy for me to feel the pain of these violations when I feel like I’m on the receiving end. Yet, when I’m the perpetrator, I don’t…

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Thought of the Week – January 17, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

How do you stick to your commitments in the face of discomfort and impatience? We’re coming off the heels of our 2020 New Year’s resolutions. While most of us left the gate strong, resolute in the changes we’d stick to in 2020, I would guess that most of us are…

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Thought of the Week – January 9, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

This week, I ask all of you to help me find clarity on an important question, something that has long impacted my life and is causing me to pause and reflect more than ever. What is the threshold of self-sacrifice? It is incredibly important to give back to one’s community.…

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Thought of the Week – January 3, 2020

By Asher Gottesman

The opportunity for connection and purpose is all around; important moments happen every day. It’s just not every day that we notice them. Last week I did. I go to Israel every year to visit my father’s gravesite on the day he passed. During this trip, I visited a drop-in…

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Thought of the Week – December 26, 2019

By Asher Gottesman

Most of us wait until our mortality is imminent to challenge our beliefs. To make the hard changes. To disregard our material wants for that which fulfills our basic needs. I had the honor of officiating the funeral of a truly remarkable woman this week. In guiding the crowd to…

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Thought of the Week – December 20, 2019

By Asher Gottesman

For me, clarity is equal to peace. Peace of mind. When the heart and soul cease their worrying. Though, to arrive at a place of clarity requires intention and action. This week, I was reminded that while I can have faith in my belief that the universe will grant me…

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Thought of the Week – December 13, 2019

By Asher Gottesman

How often do we say this to ourselves: if only “this” then “that”. If only I was richer, smarter, prettier, etc, then my life would be so much easier, better, happier, etc. Too often I think that if I only had more [insert x], then I wouldn’t struggle with my…

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Thought of the Week – December 6, 2019

By Asher Gottesman

Difficult conversations. We avoid them like the plague. Rarely does the avoidance approach ever serve us well. So how can we turn difficult conversations into an opportunity rather than a burden? Current trends in politics, business, religion, etc would have us believe that we must subscribe to one truth and…

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Thought of the Week – November 29, 2019

By Asher Gottesman

Acceptance. If you’ve ever given or received it, you likely understand the power of this seemingly simple act. Acceptance is one of the most powerful expressions of love. I recently had a candid conversation with a longtime friend of mine. He is an Orthodox Jew and has eight children. A…

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Thought of the Week – November 22, 2019

By Asher Gottesman

Life boils down to a series of decisions. Decisions that, in both major and minor ways, drive the end result. While we do our best to control each one, we can not always predict their impact. Last night, my daughter got engaged (yes, I’m far too young to have a…

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