Thought of the Week – December 20, 2019
For me, clarity is equal to peace. Peace of mind. When the heart and soul cease their worrying. Though, to arrive at a place of clarity requires intention and action. This week, I was reminded that while I can have faith in my belief that the universe will grant me…
Read MoreThought of the Week – December 13, 2019
How often do we say this to ourselves: if only “this” then “that”. If only I was richer, smarter, prettier, etc, then my life would be so much easier, better, happier, etc. Too often I think that if I only had more [insert x], then I wouldn’t struggle with my…
Read MoreThought of the Week – December 6, 2019
Difficult conversations. We avoid them like the plague. Rarely does the avoidance approach ever serve us well. So how can we turn difficult conversations into an opportunity rather than a burden? Current trends in politics, business, religion, etc would have us believe that we must subscribe to one truth and…
Read MoreThought of the Week – November 29, 2019
Acceptance. If you’ve ever given or received it, you likely understand the power of this seemingly simple act. Acceptance is one of the most powerful expressions of love. I recently had a candid conversation with a longtime friend of mine. He is an Orthodox Jew and has eight children. A…
Read MoreThought of the Week – November 22, 2019
Life boils down to a series of decisions. Decisions that, in both major and minor ways, drive the end result. While we do our best to control each one, we can not always predict their impact. Last night, my daughter got engaged (yes, I’m far too young to have a…
Read MoreThought of the Week – November 15, 2019
I write a gratitude list each morning to recognize all the positive in my life. It is the first act of my day; a foundational part of my practice to live well. One of the items on my list is that I’m grateful for the struggles and obstacles as they…
Read MoreThought of the Week – November 8, 2019
I had a huge breakthrough this week and it happened in a seemingly subtle way. For much of my life, I’ve struggled with people-pleasing. The incessant need to be liked has led to dishonesty, over-promising, denial of my feelings and often, resentment of others. After years of focus, reflection, and…
Read MoreThought of the Week – November 1, 2019
How often are we so consumed with the self that we forget all the ways in which our ultimate wellbeing is tied to the wellbeing of the greater whole? The figures within the Torah remind me of that important principle. When God told Noah that he was going to destroy…
Read MoreThought of the Week – October 25, 2019
Today I saw a sign that read, “Black Lives Matter”. And that all people residing in this country, legally or illegally, are welcome. And earlier this week, I was asked to help someone who’s grandfather targeted and committed crimes against Jews. Both of these situations sparked in me the questions…
Read MoreThought of the Week – October 18, 2019
I don’t recall a time in my life where hate has been as visible as it is now. So openly exchanged. Perhaps I’m living more aware, more conscious of my surroundings. Either way, there’s a clear disconnect between our legal freedoms (religion, speech, identity, etc) and our expression of humanity.…
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