Morality, in Jonathan Haidt’s phrase, both binds and blinds. It binds us to others in a bond of reciprocal altruism. But it also blinds us to the humanity of those who stand outside that bond. It unites and divides. It divides because it unites. Morality turns the “I” of self interest into the “we” of…

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I’d suggest that the Ten Commandments are somewhat universal for every monotheistic religion, and have the basic tenets that make up a just and moral society. To me, the final commandment at first seems a little out of place, yet upon further and deeper thought, it’s probably the most important one. The commandment is essentially…

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The Torah describes two types of enemies, one of which we are commanded to eradicate and never forget, the other we must tell the story of, yet we must find compassion for their suffering. The first enemy is Amalek, and the second enemy are the Egyptians. The Egyptians were drowning in the sea and the…

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Forget the story of freedom and you will eventually lose freedom itself. The Jewish people have been storytellers from the earliest of times. In fact, Moses instructed the Jewish people during their exodus from Egypt to make sure they told the story to their children and their children’s children, forever and ever. Why though? And…

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