Archive for December 2023
How do we explain to our children what is going on in the world without causing them permanent scars? What is appropriate to share and what isn’t, and how do we strengthen them to help them see their own power? I just read a story by the great rabbi Jonathan Sacks which helped me see…
Read MoreTHOUGHT OF THE WEEK – 12.22.23
I spoke about my experience in Israel last week, yet that was before the miracle I witnessed Friday night and witnessing the incredible gift that technology is. On Friday night as I was praying at the Western Wall, the sirens went off, suggesting a rocket was on the way. People started running for safety and…
Read MoreTHOUGHT OF THE WEEK – 12.15.23
I’m in Israel this week, and yesterday I had the privilege of going to the hospital to visit with some of the injured soldiers and their families. I’m blown away by several of the experiences I had yesterday and I will carry them in my heart forever. The first thing that struck me was the…
Read MoreTHOUGHT OF THE WEEK – 12.08.23
How do we forgive when the pain is so great? Is forgiveness even appropriate, and is forgiveness even ours to give when the perpetrators have hurt so many others? I have the privilege of working with people who have suffered, people who are truly innocent victims who have suffered harm for no good reason other…
Read MoreTHOUGHT OF THE WEEK – 12.01.23
If something is wrong, then not only must I not do it, I must—if I can—stop others from doing it. If I fail to do so, then I share in the guilt. Nowadays, we would call this the guilt of the bystanders. It is obvious to me that the perpetrators are far more guilty than…
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