If you seek sudden inspiration, then work at it every day for a year or a lifetime. That is how it comes. As a famous golfer is said to have said when asked for the secret of his success: “I was just lucky. But the funny thing is that the harder I practice, the luckier…

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The Torah shares a wild story of ten men, all of status, humility, and integrity. These men are respected by all as devout and faithful to God, and are chosen to check out the promised land of Israel and report back on their findings. Instead of returning and reporting positively or accurately, they report with…

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One of my favorite parts of Judaism is that it encourages us to question, to doubt, to grapple, to seek, and to find the deeper meaning.  This doesn’t give us permission to not follow the rules, yet it gives us permission to question them. Judaism challenges us to not just be a lame duck, yet…

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  I dare say that we all want to know the future, what will be, how it will all turn out, and what our fortune is to be. On the flip side, we all want to know what challenges we may have, etc.  Many times, I have met with people who have shared with me…

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